4 July 2024

The Women of the House of Atreus

Written and Directed by Zazi the Artist.

"The Women of the House of Atreus" is a visceral, surrealist retelling of the ancient Greek myth of the Curse of the House of Atreus told through the perspectives of the main female characters Klytemnestra, Kassandra, and Elektra.


Linda Fernandes - Klytemnestra

also appearing as Chrysothemis (Young) and Vision

Redighieri - Elektra

also appearing as Vision, Soldier, and Mourning Klytemnestra

Ana Gajtani - Kassandra

also appearing as Iphigenia, Servant, and Chrysothemis (Adult)


Content Warnings

Flashing Lights, Hate Speech.

Hannah and Charlie Chaplin

Written and Directed by Kalliopi Fouseki.

This production merges silent theatre with silent film to unpack the relationship of Charlie Chaplin with his mother, Hannah Chaplin. It shows how the mother and son coped with poverty, separation, and mental health by drawing on the power of pantomime and creative imagination. Hannah Chaplin's performing career started declining when Charlie was only 5 years old after she faced health issues. She found herself raising her two children without any financial support. The poverty was such that the family had to reside in Lambeth's workhouse before the children were moved to the Hanwell orphanage school after Hannah's physical and mental health start deteriorating. Hannah was diagnosed with psychotic episodes at the age of 33 when Charlie was only 9 years old. Since that moment Hannah spent most of her life in mental health asylums. And yet, despite her mental and physical health, Charlie owes much of his success on his mother and the ways she made him a confident and talented artist. 

Panayiota Anaxagorou

Maria Manona

Guest appearance:

Dimitrios Pantos
Aymen Ben Hassine
Olga Giannoudi
Kalliopi Fouseki


Video production by Melina Alexopoulou and Kalliopi Fouseki
Lighting Design by Julian Shapter
Sound edit by Stamatis Fousekis (Noizedelic Folk)

Content Warnings

Age guidance: The age guidance for this performance is 16+
Content warning: References to torture and mental health struggles 

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